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Meet Christina Landry

Her Company Is Getting Milspouses Across The Globe In Tip-Top Shape

dumbbellfitnessQ: What do you want everyone to know about your company?

A: DumBell Fitness, LLC is a veteran/military spouse-owned company based in Honolulu, HI and San Diego, CA. Our goal is to bring health and wellness to our military spouses and civilian communities all over the world through the online challenge, DumBell 4 Life, and through the many fitness boot camps we offer locally. We are dedicated to teaching the entire healthy-living package by offering both fitness and nutritional courses. (more…)

By |July 24th, 2014|CEO Highlight, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Social Media Savvy

How To Not Feel Like A Twit on Twitter
By: Amie Huebner

twitWhat really happened:

I was sipping coffee on my early morning commute when a car swerved in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and now my blouse looks like a Jackson Pollock painting.

What I tweeted:

I am now awake! Absorbing caffeine through every pore in my body this morning. #OffToAGreatStart #coffeebath

We’ve all been there. We’ve all done that. Now how do we express this unfortunate moment in such an abbreviated way without sounding erratic or dull as dishwater?  (more…)

By |July 24th, 2014|Marketing Buzz, PowerTips e-newsletter|

I Thought I Poofed That!

Why Quality Assurance Matters
By: Jen McKee

driveWhy is quality assurance important? More and more, with the idea of trying to cut costs, an attempt at “streamlining” processes, or just trying to “get it out the door,” quality assurance appears to be getting left in the dust. We’re not speaking of quality control, or the oversight that must take place in industrial or production line-type activities. We’re talking about good old-fashioned proof reading: copy editing and text review. It seems to be happening less and less.

“I’ll just check it over myself before I send it out.”

“Nobody really pays attention anyway.”

These are two common “reasons” for skipping the “QA” step, but these reasons are flawed. (more…)

By |July 24th, 2014|Business Etiquette, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Client Profile: Daddy’s/Mommy’s Deployed

daddysdeployedThe Powerhouse team works with companies to develop full-scale marketing plans. Our plans include:

  • Mission statement, vision statement, and core value development (if needed)
  • Company overview
  • Products and services overview
  • Future products and services recommendations
  • Market research and competition findings
  • Marketing goals and objectives recommendations
  • Recommended marketing types
  • Action plan
  • Evaluation recommendations
  • Final projects and budget (if applicable)
  • Resources (you know where all our findings come from)
  • Appendix (anything additional we find, you get that too!)

We’re flattered to hear what Bridget (CEO of Daddy’s/Mommy’s Deployed, LLC) has to say about us! (more…)

By |July 24th, 2014|PowerTips e-newsletter, Service & Success|
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