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Powerhouse Client is Hiring

Interested in working for Gromelski & Associates, Inc.? They have two full-time positions open (in Manassas, VA) and we are screening applicants for Software Engineer – Web Services and Java Software Engineer. Email [email protected] with your resume and we hope to see you on their team in the very near future!

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Learn more about Gromelski & Associates, Inc. here:


By |August 4th, 2015|Powerhouse News|

Meet Adrianna Domingos-Lupher

She’s built a business from her blogging passion
Q: What do you want everyone to know about your company?MSB red logo hi res

A: MSB New Media is a digital media marketing and publishing agency specializing in connecting brands with the military community via custom-built marketing campaigns designed to engage consumers via military spouse bloggers and social media influencers. (more…)

By |May 5th, 2015|CEO Highlight, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Marketing Buzz

Stop! Collaborate and Listen! Put Your Trade Show Nerves to Rest with These Tips!

By: Caryne Craige    

Fotolia_81878856_MAttending a trade show can be a daunting venture; however, the key is to remain in full control by preparing ahead. With organization, a positive outlook and awareness, you are sure to exude the confidence required to successfully tackle trade show events.


By |May 5th, 2015|Marketing Buzz, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Business Etiquette

Common Grammar Errors Part 2

By: Jen McKee

grammarAs promised in the last issue of PowerTips, we’ve got another installment of common grammar mistakes. This time we’ll look at a few commonly confused words.


Confusion of the words then and than is more common than one might think. See what I did there? Throwing the example in there right off the bat!


By |May 5th, 2015|Business Etiquette, PowerTips e-newsletter|
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