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An Extra Set of Hands to Build Your Business

By: Randi Cairns

Talk to the typical business owner and more often than not, one of the most common frustrations cited is the time spent on the “details” instead of the heart and soul of sustaining and growing a business. Your “job” is to move things forward, and yet it’s very easy—too easy—to get stuck in the mundane.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if there were a work genie? Someone who could magically take tasks off your plate so your focus and attention could be on the important things?


By |July 18th, 2016|Business Resources, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Nonprofit Profile: Military Spouse Corporate Career Network

Giving BackBy: Bianca Strzalkowski

Employment continues to be a leading issue among military-affiliated job seekers, with the jobless rate of military spouses continuing to range from 12 to 26 percent, according to reports. It is one of the factors that led Navy wife Deb Kloeppel to launch the Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) in 2004. By 2009, the nonprofit organization was receiving increasing requests to assist the veteran spouses of its clients. With an obvious need to fill, they reworked their strategic plan and added a sister organization called Corporate America Supports You (CASY).

CASY and MSCCN guide applicants through every step of the employment process, from resume preparation to mock interviews to searches for open positions. They also offer continuing education training online, for free, on a range of topics. Since the start of 2016, they have 2,445 verified hires.


Lawyer to Entrepreneur: When the Military Gives You Orders … Make Wine

By: Rebecca AlwineCEO Spotlight 2

Military wife switches paths after career challenges lead her to a new business venture.

When Army wife Kristine Wolfe, a former attorney, found out she would be moving (again) on behalf of the military, she had every intention of continuing her law career. But the relocation to southern Arizona proved to include other plans for her. Like so many military spouse attorneys, the push to grant reciprocity is a slow-moving process, making it challenging to transition as a lawyer from duty station to duty station. So Kristine had another idea.

Sierra Vista, Arizona was severely lacking in a wine bar. With thousands of people rotating in and out of Fort Huachuca every four to six months, the area was void of a comfortable, chic, and fun place to hang out with friends while sampling spirits. Kristine, along with her husband Eric, solved that problem with some difficulties included in the journey of small business ownership.

By |May 18th, 2016|CEO Highlight, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Did You Know?

Powerhouse provides all of the services of a large firm with the benefit of a tailored experience only a small business can offer. Our team of military-affiliated professionals works one-on-one to deliver quality products and services that reflect your vision. Check out the list of offerings that include the Powerhouse personal touch: Powerhouse Services

By |May 18th, 2016|PowerTips e-newsletter|

Social Media Success for Personal Brands

Brand Branding Marketing Commercial Name ConceptBy: Angela Caban, MHRM

When you look back to the social media tips shared around the internet – how to get followers, get more clicks, post tips, create marketing plans, etc. – how many of those tips are targeted toward a personal brand? If you posted something under your brand right now, would it affect the way you obtain clients?

One thing entrepreneurs should understand is that when it comes to branding there is a difference between personal and organizational. Your organization’s brand is typically the product and/or services offered combined with the strategy, mission, image, and activities of the organization.

A personal brand, however, does not need to be created because you already have one. Our personal brands are what we represent as a whole. What we say, post, think, and share are all a part of who we are to followers. This is why it is vital to understand that your presence online can either mean success or failure for your personal brand.

Once you have successfully established your personal brand online, there are various advantages:

  • Ideal clients
  • Mutual partnerships
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Credibility and recognition in your niche


So how can you achieve social media success when the brand you’re trying to promote is you? And how do you successfully do it without committing a social faux pas?


By |May 18th, 2016|Marketing Buzz, PowerTips e-newsletter|
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