Being Kind, Even in Trying Times
These have been isolating times as a global pandemic has required that we put boundaries between ourselves and others. Our homes have become our offices and our children’s schools, and our computers have been the only real connection to the outside world for many of us. And while that’s slowly changing, KindWorks has been there all along, providing tangible assistance and reminding us that even when we’re on our own, we’re not alone.
KindWorks is an award-winning Maryland nonprofit organization that for 13 years has been inspiring action for a kinder world. They do this by making it easy and fun for people to volunteer in a range of projects. Some of their difference-making opportunities have included making soup to share with those in need; refurbishing and donating computers to promote digital inclusion; setting up apartments for refugee families; cooking and serving dinners at area shelters; preparing meals with recovered foods for homeless men and women; and mentoring at the jail. (more…)
Spotlight on Powerhouse’s Shannon Toft
This month, we are turning the spotlight on to Powerhouse Planning’s Shannon Toft, one of our freelance graphic designers, who is celebrating her first anniversary with us in June. She’s been an absolutely amazing addition to our team ever since another one of our stellar employees, Meghan Traynor, first encouraged her to apply for a position. Shannon says, “I knew I wanted to be a part of this company based on all [Meghan’s] positive discussions about it. So glad she referred me!” (We are, too, Shannon!)
In the short time she’s been with Powerhouse, Shannon has designed social media ads for The Children’s Hunger Project, Kova Covers, and Powerhouse. She’s also worked with other clients, but it’s her first job with Powerhouse that she remembers most fondly: “My very first project was to design the new Powerhouse t-shirt. I learned so much. It pushed me creatively, and I love that I was able to design a product that would be worn throughout the team.” Currently, Shannon is pushing herself out of her comfort zone by taking a Software Engineering Immersive program, which she hopes will result in her being able to transition into a web developer role. It’s something Powerhouse President Jessica Bertsch fully supports: “I always encourage our team members to expand their knowledge and follow their passions.”
That attitude is one of Shannon’s favorite things about Powerhouse. It inspires the kind of atmosphere that fosters creativity and growth through professional support and motivation. “I love working for a company that appreciates their employees’ work and values their time,” she says. It’s one reason Shannon is positive she’ll be around to witness the constant growth Powerhouse experiences. “I can’t wait to see where we are in five years,” she says.
When not working at expanding her professional horizons, Shannon loves to learn new things and stay busy, especially creatively. Anything involving arts and crafts catches her fancy, and she’s addicted to trying all kinds of creative outlets. She describes herself as the type of person who works hard and plays harder. Family-oriented, with three siblings and ten cousins who might as well be siblings, Shannon believes her dad and her aunts and uncles are the ones who instilled such a strong work ethic in her. “They were all hard workers. My dad was a single parent, and every day I saw his hustle and how he managed to stay positive through any situation,” she states. His philosophy and example are still what Shannon strives to imitate daily.
Shannon and her Coast Guard husband have been married for ten years. They met on a blind date, organized by one of those aforementioned cousins, and have been together ever since. They love to travel (though these days they find themselves mostly working on their home) and have been to Japan three times. “It’s amazing there,” she says. “We even went to Tokyo Disney and drove go-karts dressed as Mario characters.” Disney is a staple of Shannon’s personal life. “I grew up in LA before being a pass holder was super popular,” Shannon says. “I would go to Disneyland before my night shift, ride however many rides I could before I had to leave, and head to work.” It’s all part of her desire to find a good work/life balance . . .
. . . Which is another thing Shannon appreciates about Powerhouse. Being able to balance work, home life, and me-time are essential to Shannon’s well-being, and she loves working with a team that prioritizes finding that balance. “I schedule all my tasks for the week in my planner, and that includes personal time. I find it helps me to know what needs to be accomplished even if my plan doesn’t always work out perfectly,” she says. Being realistic about how much time each task will take is essential, as is putting your well-being first. “Even just a five-minute mental break here and there throughout the day can make a difference,” Shannon comments.
Shannon says her favorite Powerhouse service/resource is our Share the Goodness program. “It shows how generous Powerhouse is and makes me feel lucky to be a part of a company that displays such a moral virtue,” she says. For those who may not know, Share the Goodness is Powerhouse’s charitable giving program. Founder Jessica Bertsch made giving back a priority from the inception of Powerhouse Planning, and 10% of our gross profit goes back to the communities that our team members call, or have called, home. For Shannon, seeing the impact that Powerhouse has made in helping others is inspirational and motivational.
As always, we asked Shannon to tell us something not many people know about her. She shared that growing up, she never listened to music from the radio. “My dad was a musician. He would play jazz, funk, and soul music. Sometimes, it makes me feel like I should’ve been born in a different time period because I’m so out of touch with music from my generation.” Well, Shannon is certainly not out of touch with achieving a work/life balance and creating dynamic graphic design collateral for our clients. And she may have given us an idea for our next virtual team meeting . . . music trivia, anyone?
New Powerhouse Team Member
Sarah is a Marine Corps veteran, military spouse, and mom of two children, and she is excited to share her leadership and project management skills with Powerhouse Planning. After attending the United States Naval Academy and graduating with distinction and a B.S. in aerospace engineering, Sarah served in the Marine Corps as a helicopter pilot for six years. Her favorite part of the Marine Corps was leading and being a part of a motivated team of dedicated individuals who were committed to serving the greater good. Ultimately, Sarah decided to transition out of the Marine Corps in order to grow her family while her husband, whom she met at the Naval Academy, continued to serve in the Marine Corps. When her husband transitioned to the Marine Corps Reserves, they moved back to Sarah’s hometown,
and it became the perfect time for Sarah to reenter the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom. Sarah has been watching Powerhouse Planning grow for the past four years and truly believes in the company and its group of military spouse freelance employees. In her spare time, Sarah loves sharing her passion for photography. She enjoys volunteering as a youth cross country coach and serves as a chair for a local swimming pool committee. Sarah is currently working toward earning her Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate and is eager to bring those skills, as well as her leadership and positive attitude, to Powerhouse Planning.
Merging Career and Health: Bringing a Healthy Balance to Work and Medicine
By: Heatherlynn Akins
Here at Powerhouse Planning, we are all about being healthy. If you’ve been following us or reading PowerTips for a while now, you know we’re big on finding a healthy work/life balance. For 2021, we’re taking it even further by challenging all of us to identify the unhealthy practices in our lives and make steps toward changing and improving them. That’s why we’re thrilled to feature HelloHealth founder Dr. Carmen Mohan this quarter.
Dr. Mohan spent three years as a clinical fellow at Harvard Medical School before joining the faculty at Emory University Department of Medicine. While at Emory, she started a priority access health clinic for employees and staff of Grady Memorial Hospital, a level-one trauma center in Atlanta, Georgia. Given that she was treating mostly mission-driven, dedicated personnel who were committed to serving Atlanta’s underserved populations, Mohan quickly realized that she was leveraging her skills as a healer and not just a physician. She could address healthy living practices and offer consultations that helped her patients stay not just healthy, but well.
During her residency and first years as a doctor, Mohan started her family and eventually shifted her professional focus to becoming a hospitalist. It was while she worked as a hospitalist that she truly came to appreciate the fact that hard-working, career-driven professionals were being admitted to the hospital with severe issues when a bit of preventative medicine could have eliminated them. She recalls a particular woman who came in and died of a heart attack in the emergency room while she tried to save her: “She was the kind of woman who would have kept my young children from crossing the street when cars were coming by, and I felt the undeniable feeling that I could have saved her if I had been her doctor five years before the night we met.” That feeling stayed with Mohan and opened her eyes to just how many patients, particularly professional women, were suffering from preventable medical issues. She searched for months for a job that would allow her to bring her healing talents together with her medical skills to treat patients holistically. A chance meeting with five like-minded women in the medical field prompted her to launch a concierge medical practice “focused on women in leadership.” With those five women 100% on board, HelloHealth opened in 2018. (more…)
Did You Know?
According to an IBM study, 72% of employees don’t understand their company’s strategy and 44% feel that their manager doesn’t provide clear information about the company’s vision. The Harvard Business Review discovered that the turnover rate of companies with disengaged employees is 34%. While these numbers may be alarming, they’re all manageable with effective internal communications.
Yes, providing clear, concise, and relatable information to your employees on a timely and consistent basis can go far in improving employee work efficiency and reducing inefficient work practices. Initiatives as simple as distributing a monthly newsletter from top management keeping employees informed can lead to reduced stress and higher productivity rates overall. It may seem overly simple, or something additional you just don’t feel you can take on right now, but enhanced internal communications can make a huge difference for your company.
Powerhouse Planning can help. We offer internal communications services that can help you bring your business to the next level. Contact us today for details.
Tips to Improve Internal Communications
When assessing communication and messaging, many companies focus on their presentation to customers and business partners, not the ways in which employees interact with each other. However, making sure that back-and-forth communication is available and in line with the mission of your company can help increase worker productivity and satisfaction. Here are three ways to improve internal communications.
- Respect privacy and boundaries
Many businesses and entrepreneurs are now working from home, whether this was a result of the pandemic or a previous situation due to the nature of your business. This can be a wonderful business perk, especially for people who want to maintain careers while their spouse moves or who need a more flexible schedule as they raise children or serve as caretakers for other family members. However, working from home can also blur the lines of times for rest and privacy, and not all employees may have homes large enough for separate workspaces.
To help prevent burnout and uncomfortable situations, set guidelines that help protect employees’ work/life boundaries ahead of time so that employees are aware of reasonable expectations placed on them, their coworkers, and managers. This communication may include expectations for when video and audio are necessary, what backgrounds are allowed, when the company will provide technology or when the employee should use their own, and what the expected working hours are and if those are firm or flexible.
Due to the pandemic causing children and spouses to be in the same workspaces, teams may need to have conversations about handling sensitive information as well as forgiveness and flexibility for families working in small spaces together. This discussion is particularly helpful for preventing burnout of skilled female employees who statistically have more caretaking burdens. (more…)