Business Resources

Conferences provide many more benefits to entrepreneurs than solely travel and adventure to new places. Each year, you can find an unlimited number of events that focus on a specific niche, business ownership, or military-affiliated entrepreneurship.

Attending a conference can offer a continuing return on investment if you remember to do the following:


Make sure to have plenty of business cards handy because you never know whom you may meet. Whether it be a vendor who can give you a great deal or someone who can refer business your way, conferences are an ideal platform to make new business relationships.

Tip: Make notes on the back of business cards you receive from contacts to help you remember anything important you discussed or details that stood out about the connection. For example, if you met someone who mentioned giving you 20% off marketing services, jot it down on the back of the card.


As soon as you return home from your travels, follow up with your new connections. You want to reach out to the people you interacted with while you are still fresh in their minds and the motivation of the event is still in the air. Send an email to thank them for the connection and include any follow-through on items discussed.


2016-05-18T17:48:10-04:00May 18th, 2016|Business Resources, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Never Stop Learning

Small business ownership has many layers, from accounting to marketing to human resources and more. There are several avenues to receiving extensive education, for free and tailored to military-affiliated entrepreneurs. Did we mention these are all free? Let’s explore some of the options.

Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF): business owner training for any stage of ownership. Dr. Mike Haynie, a veteran, helped found the program in 2006 to assist veterans and their families in crafting a vocation that defies the traditional barriers to employment. IVMF offers various types of programs for all branch affiliations and roles within the military community. Classes run throughout the year and include online and in-person opportunities.

  • EBV – Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities
  • EBV-F – Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans’ Families
  • V-Wise – for female veterans
  • Boots to Business – for transitioning military members

Check out IVMF for a full listing of dates and program components.

Inc. Military Entrepreneur Program: for veterans and military spouses looking to start or who are currently running a business. Events are offered each year (for free) to connect military-affiliated entrepreneurs with successful CEOs in all sectors.

  • The next conference, known as GrowCo, will take place in Las Vegas in May. A special delegation will be chosen to attend. Check their website for application information or contact Natalie Thomas for details at

VetToCEO: offers programs to active duty military, transitioning military, and veterans interested in small business ownership.

  • Virtual training
  • Options include self-paced and a structured, seven-week program
2016-02-01T21:34:43-05:00February 1st, 2016|Business Resources, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Quick Read: Recommendations on Team Building

  • The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
  • Inside the Magic Kingdom
  • Whale Done!
  • Fish! Philosophy

These are all super quick reads. Grab (or download) one of these on your next
flight. You won’t regret the goodness you’ll learn about motivating your workforce.

What others have you read and loved? Email us at to share books we should check out.

2015-11-16T20:33:17-05:00November 16th, 2015|Business Resources, PowerTips e-newsletter|

Career and Resume Assistance: Check Out These Hot Spots

In Gear Career            

Career Spark                               


Email us at to share your favorite resources not listed.

2014-10-30T19:51:15-04:00October 30th, 2014|Business Resources, PowerTips e-newsletter|
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