New Hire at Powerhouse
Randi Cairns joins the Powerhouse Planning team as our content creator.
Randi Cairns is a consultant, nonprofit professional, and freelance writer. She is the Founder/CEO of On Call Mama, a business known for its unique ability to combine what’s best about business (efficiency and effectiveness, the good stewardship of resources, and getting your message out in a way that resonates with your intended audience) with what’s best about Mama (the one who’s always got your best interests at heart). Randi prides herself on her ability to help others shine in their personal and professional lives.
Randi has a Masters in Human Services with a specialty in Not-for-Profit Management. She has served vulnerable populations in numerous capacities for over twenty-five years. She’s been recognized by as a “mom changing the world” and by Harlequin More Than Words as a “real-life heroine who is improving her community.” She’s the proud recipient of the National Infantry Association’s Shield of Sparta – Heroine of Infantry award and The Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Award.
Randi is one of the coauthors of “Stories Around The Table” and a frequent blogger in the military spouse space. She has written for NextGen MilSpouse, Spouse Buzz, Homefront United Network, and the Military Family Advisory Network. She’s also the part sassy/part inspirational voice of Throwing Pots & Pans – coming one day to a bookstore near you.
New Hire at Powerhouse
Nicole Keeny joins the Powerhouse Planning team as a quality assurance rock star.
Nicole graduated from Grove City College in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in English as well as certification in Secondary Education. She has spent the past eight years teaching English language arts to middle school students both in North Carolina and Virginia. In addition, she shares her love for reading and writing by privately tutoring students after school.
She may not be a military spouse, but Nicole has befriended and loved many military families as she grew up in Northern Virginia, where she now lives with her husband, Jeff, and their beautiful son. When she became a mother in 2016, Nicole began looking outside the classroom for opportunities to share her passion for language, starting at home with her son and now working with the Powerhouse Planning community. She enjoys spending time reading, writing, drinking coffee, and loving on her sweet family.
Nicole can also be found discussing the use of the Oxford comma with anyone who cares to listen.
New Hire at Powerhouse
Jennifer Kirkpatrick joins the Powerhouse Planning team as an executive assistant.
Jennifer graduated from Southern Connecticut State University in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science in liberal arts, with focus on business management, communications, and psychology. She went on to earn an associate’s in computer network management. She has professional experience in the hospitality industry, city government, and education, and has been honored with training and professionalism awards.
She has been happily serving as a military spouse for 13 years and lives with her husband, Mitch, and their two beautiful children in Merritt Island, Florida. When they began moving around every two years, Jennifer dedicated her life to growing where she was planted, teaching her children to do the same, and becoming active and volunteering in her children’s schools and within their community. She has a passion for supporting others and helping them thrive, and is excited to fulfill this role within Powerhouse Planning.
New Hire at Powerhouse
Jessica Yost joins the Powerhouse Planning team as an analyst.
Jessica is a public relations consultant who specializes in streamlined messaging and building client-customer relationships. Her professional background spans the hospitality, technology, and beauty industries, as well as not-for-profit organizations. Jessica earned a B.S. in psychology from Towson University and a master’s in strategic public relations from The George Washington University.
As a military spouse of nine years, Jessica has served in various leadership positions within military family organizations. She is currently an active member of The Milspo Project and In Gear Career, and is the creator and administrator of the Navy JAG Spouses and Partners Facebook page.
In her spare time, Jessica is a makeup artist and enjoys teaching others how to put their best faces forward. She is also an avid baker, dancer, and runner who currently lives in Norfolk, Virginia, with her wonderful husband, Adam, and their two beagles, Clark and Kent (they’re on Instagram: @TheSuperBeagles).
New Hire at Powerhouse
Bianca Strzalkowski joins the Powerhouse Planning team as a technical writer.
She has experience in writing, editing, and social media management. A proud Marine Corps wife of 14 years, she was named the 2011 Military Spouse of the Year for her advocacy within the military community. As a mother of three, Bianca has spent her time volunteering with various organizations, such as the National Military Family Association and the Marine Corps’ Family Readiness program. Because of her volunteerism, the 35th Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James Amos, awarded her with a Certificate of Commendation.
Prior to her freelance writing career, Bianca was the Deputy Director of Membership for Blue Star Families and former Managing Editor of The Onslow Times. She is media trained and has appeared in interviews for television, radio, and print to include Fox News, CNN, and Oprah.
Currently, Bianca resides in Jacksonville, NC where her husband is stationed at Marine Corps Air Station New River. She is a member of the Military Reporters & Editors Association.
Powerhouse Client is Hiring
Interested in working for Gromelski & Associates, Inc.? They have two full-time positions open (in Manassas, VA) and we are screening applicants for Software Engineer – Web Services and Java Software Engineer. Email [email protected] with your resume and we hope to see you on their team in the very near future!
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Learn more about Gromelski & Associates, Inc. here:
Powerhouse President Featured on Milspo
Our president was featured on Milspo Monday.
New Hire At Powerhouse
We’re thrilled to announce we have a new addition to our career transition team! Allow us to introduce Laura Khandjian. Laura has a bachelor of business administration with a focus on strategic management from the University of Toronto and a master’s in Human Resources and Employment Relations from Penn State University. Laura has experience in project management, training, human resources analysis, standardizing organizational protocols and procedures and financial analysis. When not working, Laura enjoys playing basketball, rock climbing, and is always up for an adventure!
New Hire At Powerhouse
We are thrilled to announce we have a new addition to our QA team! Allow us to introduce Joanna Guldin-Noll. Joanna holds a bachelor’s in English with a concentration in creative writing from Penn State and a master’s in Secondary English Education from Johns Hopkins University. She spent five years teaching in Baltimore before marrying her Navy husband catapulted her into a career made up of freelance writing and social media management, consulting, and teaching as an adjunct faculty member for Johns Hopkins’ School of Education’s graduate program. In her spare time, Joanna writes and produces a popular military lifestyle blog, travels with her husband, writes what she hopes will be her first novel, and loves all things PBS and NPR.