Ready, Set, Grow! Marketing Tips Sure to Drive Growth
By: Julie Clark
So, you’re ready for growth. Relevant marketing strategies are a must. Acknowledging and setting your intentions and defining “growth goals” are the first steps. So where should you begin? Because no two businesses are exactly alike, you should start by determining exactly how and where you would like to experience growth and then go from there.
Grow your numbers. Not every business is sales focused; however, they all have one thing in common: numbers. Increase your number of followers, your number of views, your number of subscribers, your number of listeners, and more.
If you are a podcaster, perhaps it’s time to partner with a new guest speaker you can cross-promote with. You will benefit from the exposure to their audience, and they will be introduced to yours.
Need to increase your social media following? Platforms are adding new features every day. Make sure you are up to date on the latest and greatest trends. Many legitimate platforms even offer excellent, and often free, social media boot camps that will help you ensure that you are getting the most from all the hard work you put in to creating content.
Word-of-mouth marketing is an inexpensive and often overlooked method for growing your business organically. Make sure your Google Business listing is up to date, share your unique link, and encourage reviews. Word-of-mouth marketing will help you shine a spotlight on your positive brand reputation and reach new audiences with ease.
You’ve got a great personality, or perhaps one of your coworkers or employees has the gift of gab. Create a connection with your audience by putting your best face forward. Today, many platforms are video driven, so take advantage by introducing your fans and customers to the talent behind your business. Live videos and more photos of your team will help set you apart from your competition and make your brand more memorable. We are all only human after all, and humans love supporting other humans, especially those we feel we have grown to know and love.
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