By: Meghan Traynor

According to a survey reported on by Small Business Trends, 92% of small businesses had to “reinvent themselves” during the pandemic. Whether your business had to pivot over the last year, or you’re just ready to grow, we believe, “Growth doesn’t come with a single action. It is the consequence of persistence courage and hard work” (Anonymous). Here are a few actions you can take to grow your business successfully.

  1. Be adaptable. If you were one of the 92% of small businesses who recently reinvented themselves, then you are already very familiar with this one. Being adaptable in business allows you to grow even when things don’t go according to plan. If you haven’t already created one, a strategic adaptability plan is something your business should consider so you are always prepared for the unexpected.
  2. Remote work and virtual services are in high demand. According to the Remote-How 2020 survey, 87% of remote managers believe that remote work is the way of the future. With so many businesses continuing with a full-time or part-time remote workforce, there are a few things you can do to set your company up for success:


  • Set clear business goals. When onboarding new team members, share with them your goals, mission, and voice of the company so they know what to expect and have a clear understanding of the company.
  • Find ways to connect “after hours.” Team building is important for business growth. Schedule monthly or bimonthly virtual team-building meetings where everyone can get “together” for a book club, game night, wine tasting, etc. The possibilities are endless these days!
  • Contact Powerhouse with any of your remote workforce questions. We started operating as a remote workforce well before 2021, and we are happy to share what we’ve learned over the last nine years!
  1. Most importantly, invest in yourself. Hear us when we say, you cannot run a business successfully if you aren’t taking care of YOU! The health and self-care of business owners and their teams are top priority when it comes to growing a business. Show your team members you value them by encouraging them to put their mental and physical health first. You can also check out this free resource with “20 Self-Care Tips for Freelancers and Business Owners” to avoid burnout and maximize your productivity.

Follow us this month on Facebook and LinkedIn for more business growth tips and resources. Powerhouse Planning also offers affordable business growth services. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.